It's a matter of mindset and attitude. It's how each individual person sees the respective task before them, and what they believe their eventual success will be.

The person who thinks and says they can is far more likely to succeed because they are willing to try, fail, and try again. They are far less likely to let doubt, fear, and insecurity stop or sabotage them, and they believe in their own ability to accomplish this specific task. They will be more resilient when the hard times hit, and have the courage and perseverance to keep going because they believe they have the ability to eventually succeed. The person who believes they can do something is willing to put in the effort, learn what they need to learn, and make the sacrifice of time, effort, money, and tears.

The person who says they can't will not try, or at best they will try half heartedly. They will surrender when they fail as it confirms their belief that they cannot do something, and reinforces their doubt. It becomes a self fufilling prophecy even if they could have actually accomplished their goal with a little more work and effort. It's easier for someone with this attitude to lose focus, and it's much less likely for them to be willing to put in the work, the effort, and the sacrifice to reach their goals. They will not keep going on in the face of failure, and thus will not likely try to achieve anything, or achieve anything at all.

Anything worth doing in life is hard won, and you you need the right attitude to enable yourself.

Attitude does not provide the skills, the knowledge, or the resources to accomplish a task, but does provide the foundation to which those things can utilized to their fullest extent. A positive, optimistic, and 'can do' attitude are a key ingredient to doing pretty much anything in life.

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